While using sencha command 3.0 and Ruby 2.0.0-p0-x64 , while creating the production build using sencha app build, the following error was thrown.:
compass jruby process exited with non-zero code
I found on forums that a previous version of Ruby is to be installed.
After which it still did not work.
Later found out that, the sencha command utility has also to be updated.
So this can be solved by installing sencha command version 3.1 and Ruby version 1.9.3p392
compass jruby process exited with non-zero code
I found on forums that a previous version of Ruby is to be installed.
After which it still did not work.
Later found out that, the sencha command utility has also to be updated.
So this can be solved by installing sencha command version 3.1 and Ruby version 1.9.3p392
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